July 22-25
It's been a long time since Comic Con has been just for comic fans. Disney, Pixar, TV shows, movies, and other things use Comic Con to get their products out to the public. And it always proves to be fun!
Below, you'll find links to each day's programming. Below, you'l find some highlights that interest me which I will (eventually) post on my blog. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a long time for these things to make it online, so I'll do my best to have them up ASAP.
Keep in mind that all programming is subject to change. The links will automatically update when and update is needed.
Thursday, July 22
Friday, July 23
Saturday, July 24
Sunday, July 25
Walt Disney Animation Studios: Character Creation!
Entertainment Weekly: The Visionairies
Terra Nova
Entertainment Weekly: Girls Who Kick Ass: A New Generation of Heroines
Pixar Animation Studios: Ronnie Del Carmen
TV Guide Magazine: The 2010 Hot List
Nickelodeon Presents: The SpongeBob SquarePants Secret Formula Revealed
Family Guy
The Cleveland Show
The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack
The Simpsons
V Screening and Q&A
No Ordinary Family: Exclusive Premiere
Fringe Screening and Q&A
Disney Epic Mickey— Warren Spector
Lost But Not Forgotten
For more information, go to the Comic-Con Official Website.
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