*Editor's note: Forgive me. With the Yankees winning the penant, I was to happy and excited to do my Monk and GH columns. Never fear, they will be up today!
Well, I knew it was going to happen. Sharona and Natalie battling it out. But the episode still did take several intersting twists. So, let's solve this week's mystery!
This week's murder actually involves Sharona. Her Uncle supposedly tripped on a golf course and died. Sharona was in town to collect the money from the country club and decided to stop by to see good 'ole "Adrian". This is where Natalie and Sharona meet for the first time. Things go well and they discuss Monk, making him uncomfortable.
But why did Sharona leave? She explains it: she seperated from her husband for good and returned to nursing. Her son, Benji, is also preapring to go to college. And now she can use the money she got from the country club to pay for it!
At the country clu, Monk looks at the pictures of the place where the accident occured. However, it doesn't add up to him and he further investigates the area where Sharona's uncle died. This is where we meet Perry Walsh, a pro golfer and his wife. We also meet Perry's caddie. Both Perry and his caddie saw the death, and assured Monk it was an accident. The caddie ran for help while Perry tried to do CPR. Sitll, it doesn't add up for Monk. He concludes that the uncle could not have been playing golf at the time of the incident. This worries Sharona because this means it was not the country club's fault, and they won't have to pay for it.
This also causes a rift between Natalie and Sharona's freindship. Natalie believes it's not right to ignore the murder for money. But Sharona needs the money to pay for Benjie's college. This seems pretty selfish of Sharona, I must say. I'll be going to college in 2 years and I would never choose money over justice. At least, I hope I wouldn't.
Upon further investigation, Monk finds out that Sharona's uncle has been hurt before and has settled out of court. When the arrive at his apartment, they see a lot of bills indicating Howie was broke. They also see evidence that the uncle was practicing falling, so Monk comes to the conclusion that he must have wanted to trip and fall and sue the place to get money.
Along the way, Natalie and Sharona clahs over the different styles they have. Sharona was far more mean and not as understanding as Natalie, where as Natalie is more catering towards Monk's needs. Granted, there was a time when this is what Monk needed, but not so much anymore.
The trio arrives at Perry's house and investigate. After putting some peices together, Monk solves the case. He goes into the closet to tell Sharona and Natalie what happened.
Here's what happened: Perry's wife was having an affair with Sharona's uncle and planned revenge. When the uncle came to him to help fake a lawsuit, he saw this as the perfect way to get back at him. On the day of the murder, the unlce faked the fall, and as the caddie went to get help, Perry slammed his head into the stairs and kileld him.
Unfortunately for Monk, Perry heard him and gets lawyered up. Stottlemeyer and everyone argues about the case, and Monk slipps away to go to Trudy's grave. During his absence, Natalie and Sharona make up and admit they were wrong. They decide to go after Perry with full force. Upon further investigation, they realize Perry had the cabbie's phone battery with his fingerprints on it and use this as evidence. Natalie and Sharona are able to get Perry and the caddie's phone while Monk watches.
Everything is fine right? Well, as they walk home, Sharona falls down the same stairs her uncle fell down and breaks her arm. Now she will be able to keep the money after all. In the final scene, she leaves but promises she will be back in a few weeks (for the finale, maybe?). She then kisses Randy and gets into the car. Wow.