You may be wondering why I have been MIA for the last several weeks. If you have been reading my posts, you may have noticed that a family member of mine was in the hospital. Sadly, my grandma passed away on November 1, 2009.
On October 6, 2009 my grandma was diagnosed with Pacreatic Cancer. She was given one year to live. Over the course of the next few weeks, the date became expedentially smaller. She died on November 1. She was burried on November 6, 2009. That's exactly one month after she was diagnosed.
Pancreatic Cancer is truly a terrible disease. There is onyl a 3% survival rate. If anyone has ever had to deal with a family member's trial with the grim disease, you understand what it's like. Pain. Sadness. Emptiness.
Yet when they lose the battle, the pass into a world without pain and suffering. A world of happiness where they can be reunited with loved ones who have passed before them. And they can met our Savior, Jesus Christ.
My grandma will be missed. She has touched so many people and so many lives. The world has lost a truly great woman.
Ironically, November is National Pacreatic Cancer Awareness Month. Please join me is fighting this terrible disease. In a land where we spend so much money on Stem Cell Research, we need to spend more on finding ways to cure all types of cancer. So please, notify the government. Spread the word. Visit for more info.
And never give up hope. This loss has only strengthened my faith. I pray for anyone who has ever lost someone to cancer. Throughout the world, you will find nothing but support.
And Grandma... Rest in Peace. I love you and please know you will be missed.
Thanks Guys,