Bibbidy Bobbidy Botique
This may not be that exciting, but still it's new. This store is more or less like Club Libby Lu. More info and pics will follow in a future update. Stay tuned!
The Celebration Ranch Roundup and BBQ
From what I hear, this place's food is excelent. But, the price is very expensive. The new retaurant offers a limited buffet which features BBQ foods. Charcter entertainment, as well as singing from non-chacter people keep the diners entertained during thier meal. Over all, it sounds really great. But is the price just too expenisive? Will this be around for only a little bit of time? Time will only tell...
Celebrate: A Street Party
Now I know Al Lutz and his followers may have scared you about the new parade/show at DL, stating it was horrible and not worth while. Many people are saying it's a cobination between Block Party Bash and the PartyGras stuff DL had years ago. In my opinion, it is some laid back entertainment that DL sorely needs. I mean let's face it, DL is all about the hustle and bustle. It can sometimes be overwhelming, with so many rides and whatnot. It's more stiff then DCA, if you get what I'm saying. The show brings energy to DL, and it's just plain fun! If you haven't seen it go to YouTube. You might be pleasantly surprised!
DCA: Paradise Pier's New Offerings
The photos speak for themselves. Work being done in the pier:
Also, the Paradise Pier sign (beautiful!) and the Sunburst where Mickey's head use to be have climbed up to the roller coaster. (This picture is old: Most of the sunburst has been painted.)
Meanwhile, the wheel is painted, the gondalas are up, and Micjey will start appearing in sections until it the Fun Wheel opens next month. (It got delayed due to rain).New lighting is also neing tested.
Games of the Boardwalk: NOW OPEN!!!
Another thing to add to the list of new at DCA: the Games of the Boardwalk have open for business. A full article about this will follow later this week.
Also, for future reference, all new rides at DLR will get an update onto themsleves. So you can expect next month a full update to be devoted to Mickey's Fun Wheel, as well as the regularly schedualed update. Until then, this is PirateGuy 815 with the Disneyland News!