Seeing as how we have 1 more week of GH until the end of the year, my GH Weekly Roundup: 2009 Edition will go for another week so we can fit in all of this weeks action into the column.
We left off at the arival Of Dominic. When he first arrived, he held Michael, Morgan, and Carly at gunpoint in the woods. He also mentioned he was from Bensonhurst, which immediately made me suspect he was the infamous Dante we have been hearing about for so long, who was the lovechild of Sonny and Olivia.
Speaking of lovechild, it was revelaed that Ethan was actually Luke's child with Holly Sutton, who made a surprise appearance in Port Charles. Not long after hearing this, Luke disappeared. But little did we know where he was...
It was soon revealed that Dominic was actually an undercover cop who got a position in the Corinthos organization to bring down Crime Lord Sonny Corinthos, even though Sonny is actually Dante's dad. So this puts all of them into an odd position. Olivia is in the greatest pain, for she knows that Dante is Sonny's son and doesn't want to see anyone get hurt. As the investigation goes on, and on, and on, and-well, you get my point- things get even worse.
The big sumemr story invloved 2 murders- the mayor's mistress, and Claudia's baby. Both were ingeniously intertwined, making for a great summer thriller, though we could have used less teens...
Mayor Floydd was haing an affair when his wife found out. Enraged, she tried killed the mistress and got rid of the evidence. The mistress did not die, however. She was operated on by Matt, and died in surgery. Robin, with Patrick's aid, decided to investigate who tried to kill the mistress, and failed. At first, they suspected the mayor himself. When they acused him of the murder, Alexis had the mayor arrested, and Andrea swore revenge. Later, they suspected the culprit was Andrea Flodd, but didn't have enough proof to back it up. They spent the summer trying to prove her guilt.
Meanwhile, on one dark night, an emoptional Michael, Kristina, Carly, Claudia, and Alexis were all driving on Harbor View Road, near the mayor's house. There was an accident, and Claudia was driven off the road, where Carly came to her rescue. The accident caused her baby to die in the hospital. Michael believed it was him, and even confessed to the cops he was the cause of the accident. Jason got him out of jail, but Michael left the country with Kristina and went to Mexico to hide.
Andrea saw this as the perfect oppurtunity to get revenge on Alexis. She blamed Alexis for the accident, and Alexis lost her job and was facing murder criminal charges. In reality, Kristina caused the accident, and Alexis tried to protect her daughter by taking the wrap for the murder. Nikolas used his power to make the charges "go away".
Jason and Sam went to Mexico to bring them back, as the teens faced Jerry. What was Jerry planning to do? Well, we knoe Claudia was so grief-stricken that she wanted Jerry to go after them to "make them pay". But what was Jery going to do? We can only imagine, because Jerry got away after leaving Jason for dead. Luckily, Sam came to the rescue and nursed him back to health. He was feeling so much better that the two former lovers had sex. Finally, the Jasam reunion!
Jason and Sam rescued Michael and Kristina and brought them home. Meanwhile, Sonny and Claudia were growing closer, and Sonny's feelings for Olivia were put on hold. Morgan and Dominic were also becoming good freinds. At least they had a nice summer!
Speaking of nice summer, we were also introduced to Kareoke night at Jakes. This was used many times, and I can say that it has made some great and memorable episodes.
After the craziness of summer died down, we found out that Luke was kidnapped by Helena, who was then kidnapped by Valetine Cassidine. They formed an alliance and escaped together to the relative safety of Port Charles. But he was never heard of again...
Next week, we'll get into the season of sweeps, starting with The Carinval.