Friday's GH was so incredible and easily the best episode of the year. The acting (most notably Sarah Brown and Maurice Benard) was top notch, the passion and fire was incredible, and the whole premesis of the show was excellent. So it's no surprise that I focusing most of my update on Firday's episode.
Last week was all about Sonny and Claudia. The saga started earlier in the week, when Sonny promised to throw Claudia a huge birthday party. At that time, they were bonding, and I would have bet money that they were falling in love.
Jason ruined this when he got proof that Claudia was involved in Michaels shooting. He told Sonny, and at first I wasn't sure if he believed Jason or not. But on Friday's episode, we found out how he really felt.
Sonny lashed out on Claudia for being a "lying whore", amongst other things. Okay, I'll give it to you that she is a liar, but a whore... a bigger one then Sonny? Then again, Sonny's a huge liar, too.
So let's compare what Sonny and Claudia have done.
Claudia put a hit on Sonny with a terrible hitman and said hitman shot a child. Claudia felt guilty from the moment it happened.
Sonny, on the other hand, brought this on himself. He locked Johnny up and didn't realese him, so Claudia had no other "choice" but to kill him (logic I never get). Sonny has also killed dozens of people for "business". Just because he has a good hitman, doesn't he isn't at fault.
I pray for the day Sonny and Jason are brought to justice. They did this to Carly: Sonny shot off his mouth without thinking, and Jason was so worried about getting revenge that he wasnt thinking either. And Sonny was about to kill Claudia in front of half of Port Charles, what was she supposed to do? Sit there and wait to die so Sonny could finally be brought to justice?
Part of me wished that happened. And when Sonny yelled at Claudia that he was glad the baby died, I lost it like Claudia. That was uncalled for, and drove Claudia off the edge. I whish she didn't take poor pregnant Carly. Ans what she said to her in the car was grippping me with fear. I can't wait for next week.
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