The revelation finally came. Micheal admitted to Jason he was raped during some pretty compelling scenes. Of course, this revelation came after he witnessed Abbey being beat and almost raped. After experiencing some apprehension, Michael sprang into action to save Abbey, hurting her would be rapist in the process.
Dante was smart, and reported the crime, which will result in a court case for the stalker guy.
Slowly, others began to find out about what happened to him. Carly was first. Dante was next. And now Sonny knows, which Micheal doesn't seem to happy about. But when Carly found out, she ripped Dante apart. Carly, I hate to break it to you, but you also had a hand in sending Michael to prison, an even bigger hand than Dante. But will she ever admit that? No. Instead, she'll blame Dante over and over again.
Carly also has problems of her own. She once again wants a divorce from Jax. Jax never told her that his business trip to London involved searching for information about Jerry and Brenda. When Brenda spilled to Carly, she was furious. But what the hell is she going to do if she divorces Jax? Sonny doesn't want her because he finally has Brenda. Who else is left for her?
Brenda revealed what happened to her baby. She was pregnant, but had a miscarriage. I'm still betting that the baby is not Dante's. But I guess we'll see...
What's with this Shawn guy? He first helps Molly with PTSD, and then he's revealed to be a mercenary for the Balkan. He has thrown Johnny around and has also attacked Lucky and Siobhan. Perhaps he is being set up for redemption?
Also new to GH is this Terrel guy, an old flame of Lisa's who is going to seduce Robin to sleep with Lisa again. How fake is he? Who can't see that he is THROWING himself at Robin? It's pretty sick. I just hopes that Robin and Patrick will be able to fight Lisa's small, but growing army of fools.
Finally, why the hell has GH fired Liz? She is such a great actress, and has a long history with the show. She has the potential for a great storyline, yet she is still being fired. And what about the whole Aiden storyline? What about the other kids? What about Lucky?
Kill Lisa off. Kill Terrell off, while you're at it. You can get rid of all the Balkan people, in fact. Get rid of Abbey (her constant whining annoys me). Less Michael and Kristina are always a good option (even though Chad Duell has redeemed Michael in my eyes). But please, keep Elizabeth.
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