Who destroyed Brenda's dress? At first, I thought it was Carly. After listening to Robin and Brenda talk badly about her, I assumed she destroyed the dress out of anger. And sure a hell, I wasn't the only person who believed this. Robin and Brenda think ti was Carly, as does Sonny. So what does this mean? It means Carly isn't the culprit. I'm sure she think of something to try to stop the wedding. Like Brenda's baby secret.
Oh yeah, I thought Brenda was going to tell Sonny about that? Well honey, the clock sure is ticking. I'm still betting the baby isn't Dante's.
Before Mac and Alexis shared a sweet Valentines Day dinner, Theo "The Balkan" Hoffman bullied her. Why doesn't Alexis fire his ass? I hope she's at least a little suspicious of the Balkan. He does like to bully a lot of people. You can add Dante and Brenda to that list. Oh, by the way, If I hear "wrongful death suit" once more, I'll crack. Maybe I should start a drinking game?
Theo tried to "help" Siobhan when Lucky fake arrested her. He must know by now that Siobhan and Lucky are not in Port Charles right now. I wonder what will happen then?
And please, just get Mac and Alexis together. For over a year now, they've been being set up together. Make it official already!
Also getting together on Thursday are Dante and Lulu. They're headed to the Opera, like old times. Yuck. But anyway, Lulu also knows about Michael. And when Dante told her he might quit the force after a doubt in his beliefs, Lulu and Michael convinced him to stay on the force. If GH needs anything, it's more likable cops like Dante. And less of people like Ronnie. Yuck again.
Is Sam pregnant? That's a question that is on everyones mind, especially mine. This is because when Sam was pregnant with Sonny's kid that she lost, I first started watching the show. I'm rooting for Sam, and I hope you are, too!
I'm so sick of Terrel. He's annoying and quite an imbecile. So I won't talk about him.
On Friday, GH played Patrick and Robin's wedding that occurred several years ago. And to be honest, I did not like it. I do like watching the occasional classic episodes. Episodes that are really engaging and worth a second look. Sweeps episodes, for example. Or a classic episode that I have never seen before.
Folks, we have a wedding on Friday. Will it happen? Will Sonny and Brenda finally be married after almost 17 years? Stay tuned...
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