I've never commented on Bredna yet, and she's been on GH for several weeks now. So let's start with her. In short: I love her!
Brenda left Port Charles long before I began watching GH. In fact, I knew very little about her before this summer. I knew she was with Jax, Sonny, and Jason, and that Brenda an Sonny were a "supercouple" but that was about it. The little "Brenda's Men" marathon ABC aired of vintage (hehehe) GH episodes was a really nice way to learn.
The Baulkin storyline is quite interesting, and I love how it is involving many of the characters. Lucky (aka Ronin O'Riley), LuLu, and Dante are in Ireland going after him on Interpol business. Jason is protecting Brenda by bringing her back to Port Charles. So this will bring Sonny into the fray, as well as Spinelli, whose infatuation with her is a needed refresh from his fatuation with Jason. Sam, Carly, Jax, the kids, the Spencer clan, maybe even a few of the Quatermaines will probably also become entangled with this. I'm loving all the possibilites that come with the storyline. November sweeps, anyone?
Brenda was able to see Sonny on Friday after his short vacation with Claire ended. You know, I really feel bad for Claire. I do love the Sonny/Claire relationship, but I know this will not end well. All will come crashing down around Claire with Brenda back, and I really like Claire. Perhaps a pairing with Lucky is better? It would be interesting to explore.
Speaking of Lucky, when will he fins out he is really Aiden's son? I know Liz is off on maternity leave, and I'm looking forward to her return. But
Last time I wrote about how crazy Lisa is. Well, folks, she finally went of the deep end. After "trapping" Robin in that well, she wanted so badly to get her hooks into Patrick, but found out Patrick was playing her. And when Patrick finally was able to rescue Robin, Lisa came with a gun. So, who will be shot?
Robin better not, or else everyone risks HIV ala the Metro Court Hostage crisis. Speaking of which, Stone came to Robin while she was trapped. Once again, their love was waaaay before I began watching, so it was nice to finally get some clarification on their relationship. I think he visit reveals to everyone that while Robin will always love Stone, she can love Patrick, too. I hope they get back together.
In other news, Luke is returning this week! God, I miss him! I can't wait to see what is instore!
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