When Walt originally pictured Fantasyland, he wanted it to resemble a European Village. It was the setting for most of his movies, so it made sense. However, due to budget restraints, this could not be fulfilled, and the idea was replaced with a medieval fair ground theme.

In the 80s, the idea of the European Village theme resurfaced, and from 1982-1983, Fantasyland underwent an extensive makeover. All the classic dark rides would now be housed in elegant Bavarian buildings. Dumbo the Elephant, The Mad Teaparty, and King Arhtur's Carousel were relocated. Also, Cpatain Hook's Galley was closed and removed for good due to deteriorating and wood rot.

For years, Disney wanted to replace the Fantasyland Theater with a dark ride, most notably Pincchio, and that idea was finally made into reality with the Fantasyland retheme.

Fantasyland was rededicated, and for the second time, the drawbridge was lowered. It's great that Walt's dream was finally realized, and is a suiting tribute to the man who did so many great things.
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