Brandon is dead. And that means we have another whodunit storyline. And even if I could picture Michael (dubbed Mykill be some fans) killing Brandon because he had to "protect" Abby. And this is what gets me angry folks. So prepare for a rant!
I was happy with the new Michael. I thought he learned his lesson after he left prison. But it turns out I was wrong. Michael has become infatuated with a stripper who is 10 years older that him. He feels like he needs to protect her, and Abby goes along with it. The bimbo even dropped the charges against her would-be rapist so Michael would be ok.
Naturally, Carly wanted Abby to keep her distance during the investigation, which has included suspicions towards Jason, Michael, and Johnny. But no matter what happens with Abby, Michael still is in trouble.
Earlier in the week, Michael approached Johnny about possibly killing Brandon. Sonny and Dante are both convinced that Johnny did kill Brandon, and Sonny is worried that because he will not have Michael in his organization, Johnny wants Michael to join his. Johnny denied the murder, and even went so far as to warn Michael about what the organization does to people. Though he basically recapped what everyone else has said, Johnny also offered a unique perspective as someone who grew up in the organization and was deeply affected by it. And although he said he would never offer him a job, Johnny said that he would never turn Michael down if he wanted one.
Unfortunately, this Michael drama has overshadowed the death of Jake. And although I would have liked the storyline to focus less on Jason, it has been pretty engaging so far. Luke trashed the Haunted Star and was about to burn it, but Lulu made him stop and took care of the situation. Everyone around Luke is trying to help him. I bet Luke will go to rehab over the summer instead of going on an adventure.
In other Jake-related news, Carly also approached Sam about having a baby with Jason to help him get over his guilt at not being there for his son. I can't really sympathize with Jason because he chose to give up his son, but whatever. The point is, Carly volunteered to be a surrogate. Sam, however, turned her down.
Weeks after the tragic event, Elizabeth has stumbled upon the letter she was about to read before Jake was hit. The letter has to do with Aiden's paternity. It turns out Lucky is the father (but we all knew that already). Maxie stumbled upon the letter, and hid it from Nikolas and Lucky. She later approached Elizabeth and gave the results to her. Is this the formation of an alliance, perchance?
Oh, and Brooke left this week. But in all honesty, who really cares? It will be Nikolas's departure that will have a huge effect.
Lisa has befriended Kristina over her college acceptance anxiety, with disastrous affects. She gave the girl an "herbal" remedy to reduce the stress, but the remedy was really a couple of narcotics.
Finally, Brenda has been bonding with Lucian. Sonny is obviously not too fond of the little guy, and he sure as hell doesn't trust Suzanne. However, after a conversation with Michael, she has learned what it is like to have a child in the world of the mob. So how will she react to this?
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The Secret Life of Damien Spinelli? I'm really looking forward to reading it...